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Media Coverage|Technology Leads to Internationalisation, Qingdao Seawin Biotech Group Debuts at CAC2024

Mar 25 , 2024

As a gold sponsor of CAC FSHOW, Qingdao Seawin Biotech Group presented a number of self-developed domestic and international core products at the exhibition.

The 24th China International Agrochemical & Crop Protection Exhibition (CAC) was held from 13th to 15th March 2024 at the China National Convention and Exhibition Centre (Shanghai). This year's exhibition has six exhibition halls, gathering 2040 enterprises from 34 countries and regions. Qingdao Seawin Biotech Group(hereinafter referred to as "Seawin"), as a gold sponsor of the CAC FSHOW, presented a number of self-developed domestic and international core products at the exhibition.

Organised by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Chemical Industry Sub-Council, CAC has a history of 24 years since it was first held in 1999. It is the world's largest agrochemicals exhibition, as well as the most important trade exchange and cooperation platform for the global agrochemicals industry, which combines new product demonstration, technical exchanges and trade negotiations.

Adherence to scientific and technological innovation of the enterprise attributes

In order to show the cutting-edge dynamics of agrochemical products and convey the latest voices of industry figures, during CAC2024, Phoenix New Media XINSANONG launched special interviews with famous enterprises in the field of agrochemicals, and Seawin Chairman Shan Junwei, as an invited guest, talked about his own views on the company's core technologies and products, the development trend of the special fertilizer industry, as well as the future development of the enterprise.


Photo by Sun Shuzhen, Phoenix New Media XINSANONG

From the school-run enterprise of Ocean University of China to the leading goose in the special fertilizer industry today, Seawin's special fertilizer products have gone through many iterations and are now very competitive in the market. Shan Junwei said, Seawin every exhibition is the focus of the field of special fertilizer, would highlight its own new technologies and new products, such as this time to be brought to the SEAD, APAA, GALA are functional products, to enhance the absorption and utilization of fertilizers, improve crop resilience, improve crop quality, yield and other aspects of the fertilizer to bring a very great value to the enhancement.


Shan Junwei believes that this achievement is inseparable from Seawin' character of adhering to scientific and technological innovation: "Because it (Seawin) was born in Ocean University of China, its character has always been to adhere to scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to lead" "The reason why customers and partners choose Seawin is that they are optimistic about the scientific and technological power of our products, the effect of using them, as well as the enhancement of their products and the value they bring to customers."

The special fertilizer industry is a " dynamic force".

In recent years, with the attention paid to environmental protection and health, the size of the green agriculture market has been expanding. Biostimulants and other special fertilizers as a means of green agricultural technology, is being more and more widely used. In the view of Shan Junwei, the special fertilizer industry is a "force", the rapid development of the entire agricultural inputs market, the future of the special fertilizer industry will be highly integrated, such as cross-border to the field of plant protection, because with a good special fertilizer can make the crop less pesticides, healthier, time and energy saving.


Photo by Sun Shuzhen, Phoenix New Media XINSANONG

"Traditional fertilizer is also being specialised in fertilizer, which adds some biostimulants and some core substances," said Shan Junwei, indicating that with the upgrading of fertilizer, agriculture will become less fertilizer-intensive, more effective, yield-enhancing and healthier, which is a clear trend in the industry.

Up to now, Seawin has participated in more than twenty sessions of CAC Agrochemical Exhibition, including many overseas exhibitions hosted by the organising committee. Shan Junwei said that CAC has accomplished Seawin's overseas market and provided an international stage for more and more enterprises, "I observed that there were a lot of foreign customers in the booths of those excellent enterprises in this exhibition, and we had a very in-depth communication with many customers in these two days at the exhibition and after the exhibition,we gained a lot of benefits."

"Core" SE innovation technology system

Scientific and technological innovation is the source driving force for the sustainable development of enterprises, and also the key to maintain the competitiveness of Seawin in the market. At the FSHOW Biostimulant Development and Application Forum, Zhang Chaoyi, President of Seawin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, delivered a speech on the Group's innovative strategic product report.


Photo by Sun Shuzhen, Phoenix New Media XINSANONG

Zhang Chaoyi said that Seawin's "Core" SE innovation technology system is centred on the nutritional and functional needs of crops, and through Seawin's cell synthesis technology, extraction technology and bioreconstruction technology, it has innovatively obtained the functional factors of the "Core" SE technology system, which is capable of solving a series of problems in the process of crop cultivation.

Implementing green agricultural development and taking the road of sustainable development is the general direction of modern agricultural development. The healthy development of the special fertilizer industry can optimise the soil environment at source, enhance the quality of agricultural products and improve agricultural economic benefits.

In the future, with the popularity of the implementation of the concept of large-scale agriculture and food, China's agricultural integration of the three trends are increasingly prominent, the residents of the agricultural consumption demand from "quantity" to "quality" change, special fertilizer market demand will be further released. Seawin, represented by self-developed domestic brands, is expected to accelerate its growth in the global market by virtue of its core technology advantage, cost advantage and localisation advantage.

Source: Phoenix New Media XINSANONG Wu Hongtao  Audit: Liu Chengxin